News & Updates 9/20/24

From Amy:

As the rain pours down and the wind ramps up on the island, I think of the good fortune of the past few months of summer weather. The rain is needed, although we must postpone the Fall Field Day until Friday, October 4th. Some may be excited, as I am, that this gives me more time to gather the necessary components of a rainbow costume to wear that day. October 4th will prove to be a busy day with both Field Day and our annual Family Picnic from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Hopefully, the weather will be a bit more forgiving than the torrential downpour of today!

To those of you who attended the Annual Meeting and Back-to-School Night on Wednesday evening, it was lovely to have many parents here, learning more about all aspects of our program. I enjoyed connecting with parents and continue to appreciate your introductions. I am delighted to share that today, I was successful in greeting every Lower School student at lunch with their correct name! Now, on to firming that up in the Early and Upper Schools.

A few announcements to follow up on as we wind down the week. 

  • The Upper School students head off-island next week for their camping adventures. Grade 5 will be in Yarmouthport, MA, while Grades 6, 7, and 8 will travel to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. These are great trips that allow class groups to come together in new ways while engaging in outdoor activities. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the trips, Matt Liddle or grade-level teachers are available to help!
  • Please note that we are happy to help warm student lunches in microwaves, but we ask that food be packed in a container that is safe for microwaving. This simplifies the process and allows us to help more children heat their lunch quickly. Thanks very much!
  • If your child’s dismissal plans shift, please call Jane in the Front Office or send an email. Please do not leave a voicemail, as we sometimes cannot check office messages during busy dismissal times. We want to ensure that all children are safely dismissed to the right places, and talking with Jane will allow us to follow up appropriately. 
  • Lastly, please remember to mark your calendars for this year’s Harvest Bash on Saturday, November 2nd. It’s the 20th anniversary of the Harvest Bash, and it’ll be Gatsby-esque fun with a theme of the Roaring ’20s. Line up your babysitters!

We’ll begin a series of Parent Coffees on Tuesday mornings, starting with Early School parents on Tuesday, September 24th at 8:00 am in the Great Hall. I hope to see you there!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Amy Vorenberg
Head of School
From Dr. Eddie Wilkin
Director of Nantucket Island Youth Orchestra
Music Teacher at Nantucket Intermediate School
Dear Nantucket Families,
I hope this message finds you well! We are excited to invite your child to be a part of the Nantucket Island Youth Orchestra (NIYO) this school year. Whether your student is just starting out or already has some experience playing an instrument, NIYO offers a unique opportunity for young musicians to grow, collaborate, and perform in a supportive environment.
Our rehearsals will take place after school, and we understand that many students have other commitments, such as sports or other extracurricular activities. To help accommodate busy schedules, we are asking that students aim to attend at least 2 out of the 4 rehearsal days each month. This will allow them to stay engaged with the group while balancing their other activities.
To learn more about our program, including rehearsal dates and sign-up information, please visit our website: Nantucket Island Youth Orchestra.
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Keep Smiling,
Dr. Eddie Wilkin